최근 몇 년간 디지털트윈/게임/엔터테인먼트를 중심으로 가상현실 시장은 급속도로 성장하고 있다. 증강현실 또한 인공지능의 발달과 함께 그 적용분야를 넓혀가고 있다. FAKE 연구실은 게임엔진 기술을 바탕으로 가상현실/증강현실/CG/게임 등의 분야를 주로 연구하고 있고, 관련 콘텐츠를 생성하는 과제를 진행하고 있다.
지도교수 : 이 정
Motion Generation and Analyzing the User’s Arm Muscles via Leap Motion and Its Data-Driven Representations
Isoline Tracking in Particle Based Fluids Using Level-Set Learning
Efficient Dataset Collection for Concrete Crack Detection with Spatial-Adaptive Data Augmentation
Efficient Propagation and Remapping of Sound through a Geometric Approach in Virtual Environments and Terrains
Efficient and Stable Generation of High-Resolution Hair and Fur with ConvNet Using Adaptive Strand Geometry Images
Optimal Path Control of a Patient for Rapid Infection Testing
Geometry image super-resolution with AnisoCBConvNet architecture for efficient cloth modeling
Controllable Swarm Animation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Rule-Based Action Generator
Visual Simulation of Turbulent Foams by Incorporating the Angular Momentum of Foam Particles into the Projective Framework
Stable and Anisotropic Freezing Framework with Interaction between IISPH Fluids and Ice Particles
Draft Layout Generation of Building Drawings on Real Urban Scenes with Boundary Particle Method and Priority Solver
Accelerated Smoke Simulation by Super-Resolution with Deep Learning on Downscaled and Binarized Space
Particle-Based Dynamic Water Drops with High Surface Tension in Real-Time
핵융합 디지털 트윈을 위한 플라즈마 동적 특성 표현 및분석 기술 개발(한국연구재단)
인공지능 기반 초실감 산림 환경(VERAH) 구현 및 산림치유지도사 가이드 치유 프로그램의 임상적 효과성 검증(산림청)